This 5-day interactive Train-the-Trainer programme will empower you with the skills to be a Certified Etiquette and Image Consultant and a subject matter expert in your field! It provides professional instruction with hands-on practices and role plays to prepare you to train others on business etiquette, executive entertaining, professional image and cultural awareness.

Benefits of Etiquette & Protocol Intelligence
Etiquette and protocol intelligence will distinguish you from the crowd. While this unique intelligence alone may not get you anywhere; it will give you an edge that will make the difference between you and another person who is just as smart!
- Things to consider when extending an invitation or accepting an invitation.
- Protocol to observe when canceling an invitation.
Receiving Lines
- When is the receiving line important for the host?
- What should you do at the receiving line?
- Who should be at the receiving line?
Host Duties
- Steps to follow when organizing a proper business luncheon, eg. Choosing the restaurant, table, how to greet your guest, how to extend your hospitality, etc.
- Protocol to observe as the host.
Guest Duties
- Etiquette to observe to be an appreciative and cooperative guest.
Seating Guidelines
- How to seat all your guests correctly at a business meal.
Taking your seat and napkins
- The proper way to approach your seat and taking the exit.
- The correct way to pick up your napkin and where to position it between meals and after meals.
Host and Guest-of-Honour duties
- Types of formal toasting by the host.
- When should the formal toasting be done?
- When should the guest-of-honour return the toasting?
- How to do a proper and good toast?
Posture at the table and excusing yourself
- Correct posture at the table for American and Continental styles of dining.
- Protocol to observe when excusing yourself
Styles of eating
- 2 universally accepted styles of eating – American and Continental.
Silverware savvy
- The correct way to secure your knife, fork and spoon.
- Correct ways of placing your silverware when you are cutting the food, eating the food, resting or after the meal – American and Continental styles.
- Handling the silverware for a very formal business meal.
Place setting maps
- Formal place settings for 4 & 6-course meals.
Dining Do’s and Don’ts
- Etiquette to observe at dining table.
Eating various foods
- Ways of eating various types of foods.
Chinese Dining Etiquette
Eye Contact / Eye Signals
- Various eye signals for business and social environment.
- How to maintain correct eye contact.
How to make an entrance and leave a lasting impression
- How to make an effective entrance when attending a function.
- How to make your presence known and leave a lasting impression.
- How to prepare yourself before the function.
Improve Mingling Proficiency
- How to improve your small talk ability.
- Subjects for small talk.
- How to enter and exit from a group of strangers who may be your potential clients.
- Positive and negative body language.
- Deportment and posture.
- Various ways of handshaking that reveals your personality.
- Power points for handshaking.
- International ways of handshaking.
- How to introduce yourself with confidence and authority.
- Protocol for business introductions.
- Formulas for proper formal and informal introductions.
Forms of Address
- How to address the President, Chief Justice, diplomats, etc.
Remembering Names
- Formulas for remembering names.
Business Card Protocol
- How to present the business card.
- How to make your business card an effective visual communications package.
The image you project will be the “first impression” given to the customers / clients / business partners. Having the right image will impress them and draw their attention right away, melting any of their apprehension and meeting their expectations.
Part One: Fashion Sense
- Your Image is Showing
- First impressions are lasting impressions
- Plan your Career Wardrobe
- Basic Career Wardrobe
- Traditional Business Attire for Men / Women
- Combining ties, shirts, pants, suits for maximum visual impact
- Clothes to suit different women body proportions
- Guidelines on shoes, socks, belts, watches, handkerchiefs, briefcases and other accessories for Men
- Guidelines on shoes, pantyhose, jewellery, belts, briefcases and other accessories for Women
- Basic Career Wardrobe
- Dress Codes
- Formal and Informal Dressing
- White Tie
- Black Tie
- Black Tie Preferred / Optional / Invited
- Formal / Informal
- Formal and Informal Dressing
Part Two: Personal Grooming
- Detailed descriptions for improved look:
- Hair
- Hair color
- Teeth
- Hands and Nails
- Skin Care
- Fragrance
Part Three: Colors
- Psychological Association of Colours
- Colour Tips to help you project your professional image
- Selecting the right colours for you
- Colour Coordination
- Guiding principles to harmonizing colors
- The Color Wheel
- Colour to project professionalism and confidence
Part Four: Individual Body Analysis (for ladies) and Colour Analysis (for all)
(colour charts will be given to participants)
Techniques on being a Great Presenter
- How to prepare and rehearse
- Knowing your audience
- Non-verbal and verbal skills checklist
- Methods of presentation
- Professionalism on stage
- Qualities of spectacular speakers
Techniques on training children, teenagers and adults
- Differences between training children, teenagers and adults
- Techniques on being an effective and professional trainer
- Live Presentation with Video Recording and Feedback
- Presentation of Train-The-Trainer Certificates